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Dear First Lady_ Letters to the White House (Paperback)
.英語 本 教材 学習 勉強 小学生 中学生 高校生 大学生 大人 条件付き送料無料定価:2767円
) / 【本の説明】207ページ 197*241mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 635g ISBN:9781426204104 / 【本の内容】Following on the success of their collaboration Dear Mr. President Dwight Young and Margaret Johnson joined forces again to produce this charming collection of correspondence to and from First Ladies during their time in the White House. A wonderful gift book for any American Dear First Lady reminds us that ours is a great government "of the people by the people and for the people" which entitles us to make our views known to our leaders. While some of these missions were written by the famous or the infamous most are from ordinary Americans who wished to connect with their First Lady. Amusing appealing heartbreaking and heartwarming the letters appear as full-size facsimiles so readers can