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.英語 本 教材 学習 勉強 小学生 中学生 高校生 大学生 大人 条件付き送料無料定価:5289円
) / 【本の説明】108*187mm 言語:English 290g ISBN_9780807218808 / 【本の内容】From the author of the bestselling Artemis Fowl series comes a heartwarming tale of a young girl who is given a gift--the chance to right her mistakes and discover the true meaning of life.Meg Finn is in trouble.Unearthly trouble .Cast out of her own home by her stepfather after her mom's death Meg is a wanderer a troublemaker.But after her latest stunt finding a place to sleep is the lead of her worries.Belch Meg's partner in crime has gotten she involved in an attempt to rob an old man's apartment and things have gone horribly wrong. After an accidental explosion both Meg and Belch's spirits are flung into limbo and a race begins between the demonic and the divine to win Meg's soul.< br>Meg's not such a bad kid bu