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The Bunny Who Found Easter (Paperback)
.英語 本 教材 学習 勉強 小学生 中学生 高校生 大学生 大人 条件付き送料無料定価:1608円
) / 【本の説明】32ページ 241*173mm 言語:English 国:中国 163g ISBN_9780618111275 対象年齢:4~7歳|Lexile?指数_610L / 【本の内容】In print for almost forty years Charlotte Zolotow's The Bunny Who Found Easter has delighted generations of readers. A lonely bunny goes hunting for Easter where he hopes to find other bunnies. His search takes him through the seasons but only in the spring does he find the true meaning of Easter. To this heartwarming story Helen Craig has lent her own original interpretation. As multiple stories unfold in each piece of art viewer and reader are drawn into the poetic song-filled text. This new rendition of an old classic is sure to charm readers young and old.