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What I See (Paperback)
.英語 本 教材 学習 勉強 小学生 中学生 高校生 大学生 大人 条件付き送料無料定価:1608円
) / 【本の説明】24ページ 115*202mm 言語:English 国:中国 73g ISBN_9780152048549 対象年齢:4~7歳 / 【本の内容】What surprises do you see in the pictures?A pretty red rose and a bunny's pink nose. A spinning top and a dripping mop. An inquisitive young boy discovers that there are many wonderful things--some familiar some surprising--to see at his house.He discovers too that seeing means opening your eyes to the world around you.In This young early reader Holly Keller's simple rhyming text and bold illustrations turn everyday visions into heartwarming reveries.