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種別_2LP 【輸入盤】 洋楽アジアンポップス 発売日_2024/09/28 登録日_2024/09/30 サウンドトラック 別れる決心(限定盤) サウンドトラック CD 内容_[LP1 : Side A]1. Decision to Leave2. Look Down3. Words or photos? / Body of Evidence4. Melodrama / Soap Opera5. Undercover / Peeping Tom6. Finally / Finally7. Perfume / Eau de cologne8. Mysterious Woman / She9. Rear Window10. Facing each other / Truth or Dare11. Come to my house / Come with Me12. Mr. Gido-su... / Proof of Suicide[LP1 : Side B]1. Chinese Fried Rice2. I love you so much / Love to Death3. It’s pretty / piaoliang4. Match your breath with my breath / Under the Spell5. You’re crying / See of Love6. A detective dying from lack of sleep / I Can See Your Voice7. Evidence of Murder / Anatomy of Murder8. Falling Down9. Water / Jelly Fish10. Anger / Anger[LP2 : Side A]1. Love story / on the TV2. Reunion / Brief Encounter3. Honey! Spot of Incident4. Blue Dress5. At