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種別_LP 【輸入盤】 洋楽ハードロック/ヘヴィメタル 発売日_2025/03/28 登録日_2025/02/20 ローディ アロカリプス(ブラック・アンド・ゴールド・マーブルド) 内容_[Side A]1. SCG3 Special Report2. Bringing Back The Balls To Rock3. The Deadite Girls Gone Wild4. The Kids Who Wanna Play With The Dead5. It Snows In Hell6. Who’s Your Daddy[Side B]1. Hard Rock Hallelujah2. They Only Come Out At Night3. The Chainsaw Buffet4. Good To Be Bad5. The Night Of The Loving Dead6. Supermonstars (The Anthem Of The Phantoms) 解説_”It includes the hit single ””Hard Rock Hallelujah”” which won the Eurovision Song Contest 2006 for Finland. The album was certified with a triple Platinum status in Finland Gold in Germany and Sweden. It reached the number one chart position in Finland Sweden and Greece. The Arockalypse has several guest appearances: Dee Snider and Jay Jay French from Twisted Sister Udo Dirkschneider from Accept/U.D.O. and Bruce Kulick from